#!perl #!/usr/bin/perl ## 2023-11-14 ## Deactive clients who have no invoice in x days ## reactive manually. by going to /extranet/index.cgi?a=account&itemid=10&search=%&letter=A&page=1 ## use strict; use lib '.'; use DBI; use JSON; use Data::Dumper; my $dbuser = 'root'; my $dbpassword = 'fbg4ips'; my $dbhost = ''; my $database = 'spaceusers';#'cht_1';#'dial_1';#'cht_1'; my $db = DataBase->new(); main(); sub main{ #get configurations my $sets = $db->SelectARef("SELECT * FROM spaceusers.Settings WHERE name=? ", 'deactive_client'); NEXT:foreach my $set(@$sets){ my $database = $set->{db}; my $days = $set->{val}; next NEXT unless $days; my $list = $db->SelectARef("SELECT id,active,name FROM $database.tillclients WHERE active =1"); foreach my $client(@$list){ my $acc= $db->SelectOne("SELECT id FROM $database.accounts WHERE entityid=? AND tillinvoice_id >0 AND stamp + INTERVAL ? DAY >NOW()", $client->{id}, $days); unless($acc){ logg("$client->{id} - $client->{name} deactived"); $db->Exec("UPDATE $database.tillclients SET active = 0 WHERE id=?",$client->{id}); } } } } sub logg { my ($msg) = @_; my $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", getDate()); open LOGG, ">>cron_clients.txt"; print LOGG "[$date] $msg\n"; close LOGG; } sub getTime { my ($time) = @_; my @t = $time ? localtime( $time ) : localtime(); return ( sprintf("%04d",$t[5]+1900), sprintf("%02d",$t[4]+1), sprintf("%02d",$t[3]), sprintf("%02d",$t[2]), sprintf("%02d",$t[1]), sprintf("%02d",$t[0]) ); } sub getDate { my ($time) = @_; my @tt = getTime($time); return splice( @tt, 0, 3); } ############ package DataBase; #pain for old method. so, introduce this package.....:) use DBI; sub new{ my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $self = { %opts }; bless $self,$class; $self->InitDB; return $self; } sub inherit{ my $class = shift; my $dbh = shift; my $self={ dbh=>undef }; bless $self,$class; $self->{dbh} = $dbh; return $self; } sub dbh{shift->{dbh}} sub InitDB{ my $self = shift; $self->{dbh}=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$dbhost;", $dbuser,$dbpassword) || die ("Can't connect to Mysql server."); $self->Exec("SET sql_mode = ''"); $self->{'exec'}=0; $self->{'select'}=0; } sub DESTROY{ shift->UnInitDB(); } sub UnInitDB{ my $self=shift; if($self->{dbh}) { if($self->{locks}) { $self->Unlock(); } $self->{dbh}->disconnect; } $self->{dbh}=undef; } sub Exec { my $self=shift; $self->{dbh}->do(shift,undef,@_) || die"Can't exec:\n".$self->{dbh}->errstr; $self->{'exec'}++; } sub SelectOne { my $self=shift; my $res = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_arrayref(shift,undef,@_); die"Can't execute select:\n".$self->{dbh}->errstr if $self->{dbh}->err; $self->{'select'}++; return $res->[0]; }; sub SelectRow { my $self=shift; my $res = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_hashref(shift,undef,@_); die"Can't execute select:\n".$self->{dbh}->errstr if $self->{dbh}->err; $self->{'select'}++; return $res; } sub Select { my $self=shift; my $res = $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref( shift, { Slice=>{} }, @_ ); die"Can't execute select:\n".$self->{dbh}->errstr if $self->{dbh}->err; return undef if $#$res==-1; my $cidxor=0; for(@$res) { $cidxor = $cidxor ^ 1; $_->{row_cid} = $cidxor; } $self->{'select'}++; return $res; } sub SelectARef { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->Select(@_); return [] unless $data; return [$data] unless ref($data) eq 'ARRAY'; return $data; } sub getLastInsertId { return shift->{ dbh }->{'mysql_insertid'}; } 1;